Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Why I hate Chris Rock...

Now I understand I am in the minority. I really try not to be contrary, I really do. I mean everyone enjoys when they meet someone else who agrees with them, and I am no different. But I can't deny the animus which I feel; all I can do is explain why I feel the way I feel. And I can't deny that I hate Chris Rock's stand-up comedy persona.

I mean don't get me wrong, I laugh from time to time when watching his stand up, and I really do think he is in the upper echelon of black stand up comedians. It takes a lot of talent to not completely bomb on stage, particularly when you're a big name, and people expect you to kill. To have them leave out satisfied, I have to give Chris all the respect for his stand up skills.

There is just something about the perspective of the jokes he tells that makes me uneasy! His jokes condemn the butt of the joke, but his voice and exaggerations are full of a belligerent ignorance which irks me to the utmost. His perspective is full of sexist, classist, anti-intellectual, materialist, homophobic demagoguery. This is the point of view of bourgie black folk. Those who think because they have made a little money and not fallen prey to all the stereotypes of struggling black folks, that they have some greater connection to common sense or right vs. wrong. These people either feel because they can navigate in the White world, they are in some position to tell those who won't or can't, what they are doing wrong.

No Chris Rock, you are still Pookie to me, you are a nigga, not what you would call a black person. Your opinions are not profound, they are not enlightening, they are not even right most of the time. I believe this is why Chris Rock has never had a successful movie which he has written, and if they were successful, they damn sure weren't funny.

Lets run down the list, CB4 (should have been called CB.S., if you can't successfully make fun of the absurdity of gangsta rap, then you might not be funny at all), Down To Earth (yeah I forgot about this train wreck myself), Head of State (if you can make Bernie Mac unfunny, you're like a black hole of humor), Pootie Tang (which would have been funnier if it was a movie about an orange Tang like substance that is excreted from the azz), Osmosis Jones (oh yeah, another forgettable movie which had done its job, until I resurrected it), and maybe his best film to date, though it had absolutely no plot at all, I Know I Love My Wife. Its best asset was that it was a bourgie nigga making fun of his bourgie life and bourgie wife!

Chris Rock's greatest success, his Everyone Hates Chris show is a prime example of how only when Chris makes fun of himself or people like him, of which the nuclear family sitcom, which is the bourgie black's fantasy of what's wrong with our community, displays all the ignorance and unenlightenment of Rock's comedy. I tried to watch it, but was disgusted within a few minutes.

You know what my greatest test of something's bourgie aptitude, if my Mom likes it, it has to be for the most materialistic, self-righteously moralistic, anti-intellectual drivel, and my Mom loves Chris Rock!


Unknown said...

it's too complicated to even log in to sir rock's web page. but i just have to post a note as to how totally offensive his whole "nobody would want to trade places with me... and i'm rich" position is. fuck you!! take a real tour around this country and there are 100 million people who would trade with you. being black is only as bad as you want to glorify it to be. talk to the illegal immigrants who want to work compared to the lazy brothas who feel wronged by the system. talk to the white people with no homes, no family, no limbs... whatever. poor fucking you, chris. give me a break. i know a hell of alot of people who would love to trade shoes with you. and i know even more blacks who despise your self loathing. you got your shit going on. and you ain't got no sympathy from me. word!!!!

Gates of Intrigue said...

I think what you really hate isn't Chris Rock, your just rigid and don't like that he's loud and not subtle. People that are rigid and inflexible hate things that lack subtelity. Its you. Chris Rock is doing great humor and is intellectually... you just can't stand that he's loud and unrestrained. Get some intrigue.

Jae said...

Chris Rock is intellectually? Intellectually what you idiot? Has intellect or shows intellect. Intellectually is an adverb and needs to be followed with something. So use your intellect and figure that out. DUH!!!!!

Julie P said...

For me I hate his attitude, I don’t know how he made it, he lacks charisma .... just sounds like a judge mental victim. I love Adam Sandler’s humble pie attitude, but the new movie with Chris rock is a no go for me I can’t stomach him.

Andrew Lake Valley Switzerland said...

Chris Rock is probably the worst Comidian in the whole USA and he completely spoilt the Oscar cweremony. Will Smith got exluded fpr 10 years from the ceremony.... why Chris Rock not? I
would NEVER assist a show of his....

Andrew, Lake Valley, Switzerland